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Clickable Table of Contents(TOC) for Epub and Kindle eBook Formats

Have you been looking to publish an eBook? One of the main benefits of an eBook over a regular book is the ability to scroll to the right chapter or section immediately. However, to achieve this, you’ll need to create a clickable table of contents first. Fortunately, our friendly experts here at AtoZEbookConversion can help with this, ensuring that you get the best solutions for your book formatting goals.

Why is a Clickable Table of Contents Important?

A clickable Table of Contents (TOC) is an essential feature for eBooks in epub and Kindle formats. It allows readers to quickly navigate the content of the book and find information that they are looking for. The TOC also serves as a great way for authors to showcase their book structure, making it easier for readers to find the exact section looking for.

There are many different reasons why a clickable table of contents is important for your brand-new eBook. However, the most obvious reason why this is important is simple: a fully working table of contents ensures your readers can jump directly to the page they need.

Let’s say you’re publishing a non-fiction book. In this instance, your reader can jump directly to the chapter(s) that interest them most. Alternatively, if you are publishing a novel, readers are much more likely to remember the chapter name they were on than the page number!

However, it’s important to remember that formatting a table of contents isn’t always the most straightforward process since several aspects here need close attention. Notably, the table of contents needs to have the correct style with fully working links all going to the correct destination – no wonder, then, that the formatting for these often goes wrong.

See How Our Experts Can Help!

We all want to ensure our eBooks look the best they can possibly be. However, there’s no single way to format an eBook, leaving many people reaching for automatic conversion services. Unfortunately, though, this can severely compromise the accuracy of your eBook, meaning that your readers could end up clicking through to the wrong page instead. Or, in some cases, your carefully formatted table of contents may not work at all.

Don’t let this be the case for your eBook! Be sure to check out some of our samples to see how we can help with your own clickable table of contents – they’re so easy to use! Our top-quality clickable table of contents solution helps your readers find the chapter or information they need quickly and easily. In turn, this can massively boost the overall perception of your eBook – ensuring you get great ratings and improved chances of making a good income from your book accordingly.

Clickable Table of Contents(TOC) - Samples

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